22/10/2024 at 18:26 (GMT+7)
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Solutions for High school Students in orientation occupation in of Innovation and Technology revolution 4.0

The scientific paper analyzes the characteristics of innovation trends and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0; it indicates positive effects and poses difficulties for students preparing to graduate from high school in future career orientation..

Abstract: The scientific paper analyzes the characteristics of innovation trends and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0; it indicates positive effects and poses difficulties for students preparing to graduate from high school in future career orientation. 

The author conducted a survey and research the situation of 186 high school students. The results showed that most of them had only moderate and weak awareness of the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0; Only a few of them have good levels of awareness. This poses many challenges for students in shaping their future careers.

In the face of the above situation, within the scope of this article, the author proposes several solutions for high school students, precisely the following: Each student preparing to graduate from high school needs to raise their awareness about the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0; Learn and forecast the future human resource demand; Accurate assessment of oneself (dreams, aspirations, insights, skills...) and the ability to respond to the needs of society; Decide on the right career direction.

Keywords: solutions, career orientation, innovation, industrial revolution 4.0, high school students.


Many Vietnamese scholars believe that the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 impact high school students in both directions. On the one hand, it creates favorable conditions for high school students to have vibrant career choices and orientations by their interests and aspirations. On the other hand, the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 have a "disturbing" effect on the perception and decisions of career orientation of high school students preparing to graduate. Understanding the concept of innovation trends and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0; understanding the effects of innovation trends and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on high school students are necessary conditions to propose feasible and practical solutions in career orientation.

In the trend of innovation and the context of the rapidly developing Industrial Revolution 4.0, there are many new professions born, but at the same time, many jobs have been lost. Therefore, high school students are required to be effectively career-oriented, especially students preparing to graduate from high school. False evil has predicted 21st-century students' skills to acquire when socio-historical conditions are moving to develop hour by hour, day by day. If students can adapt and integrate into the context, it is an opportunity to catch up with innovation and international markets. However, the reality shows that career-oriented work has not been paid attention to, leading to many consequences for students who do not adapt to the general trend, even affecting the country's socio-economic development.

Research model:

The author uses the following research model to accomplish research objectives and tasks:

Research model

Research methodology:

In this research paper, the author uses quantitative research methods in combination with quantitative research. Specifically, the following research methods:

Documentary research method: The author uses this method to analyze and synthesize documents directly related to the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0; the career orientation of domestic and foreign authors. On that basis, overview, build a theoretical framework and model for the research problem.

Expert opinion method: The author took the idea and interviewed 28 experts in the following specific fields: Innovation (5 people accounted for 17.8%); Information technology (6 people accounted for 21.4%); Psychology (5 people accounted for 17.8%); Education (9 people accounted for 32.1%); Business owners (3 people account for 0.9%). The opinions of experts are analyzed, synthesized, and processed to implement research in the article.

Quantitative analysis methodology: The author will simultaneously use quantitative (measurement and evaluation) and quantitative research; use theoretical and practical research methods, in conjunction with Probability Statistics Mathematics and Mathematical and Statistical Software (SPSS and R) to analyze the collected data. The author conducted surveys, in-depth interviews, and statistical data analysis of 186 high school students to learn their perceptions, skills, attitudes, career choices.

Quantitative research results are analyzed, interpreted, drawn scientific conclusions; used to assess the impact of innovation trends and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on the education of students in general and high school students.
The results of the study:

1. Innovation:

Cambridge's definition of innovation is new ideas, new paths, or innovation. The concept of innovation has been in the for a long time (in ancient Greece).  Over time, however, innovation has been associated with negative politics. People are constantly innovating, but they deny it. In the nineteenth century in France, the word "innovation" was gradually being semantically revisited. People look at it on both sides.  Innovation both brings positive value and brings negative value depending on the circumstances. 

At the beginning of the 20th century, the word "innovation" appeared more and more from the spirit of creativity and entrepreneurship. The purpose of innovation is to serve reality: how to accelerate and re-gain more. By 1940, theories of innovation emerged from sociology, economics, and psychology. What has changed and modernized more than before is called innovation (Godin, 2015). Moreover, from this period, "innovation" gradually became a solid and continuous development trend to be high so far.

Amabile and Pratt in 2016 distinguished "innovation" and "creativity." Creativity is the creation of new and valuable ideas by an individual or a small group of individuals working together. Meanwhile, innovation is the successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization. Innovation is also contagious and trend-forming. In 1903, Tarde studied virality. He defined the innovation process as consisting of the following: "Consciousness; Its attitude; Accept or reject; Made or used; Confirm the decision; When innovation appears, it will spread from person to person, from group to group. This process will be described like the chart that describes revenue when there is a change. When a change emerges, that growth will be slower.

Nevertheless, in the next stage, the demand for people increases, and then at some stage, it will recede. Moreover, if there is no more innovation, no one will use it anymore. Companies will have to innovate to replace the old ones.  It can chart as follows:

In the current period, if not constantly innovate and improve, it will be surpassed by competitors. According to Nikkei research, Tok-Tok from fourth place in 2019, has surpassed Facebook and risen to the top of the table:

 (According to the Nikkei)

2. Context of industrial revolution 4.0 (Industry 4.0).

According to Gartner, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (or Industrial Revolution) comes from the concept of "Industry 4.0" in a 2013 German government report. "Industry 4.0" connects embedded systems and intelligent manufacturing facilities to create a digital convergence between industry, business, functionality, and processes within.

Klaus Schwab has a more straightforward definition. Accordingly, he commented: "The first industrial revolution used water and steam energy to mechanize production. The second revolution took place thanks to the application of electricity for mass production. The third revolution used electronics and information technology to automate production. Now, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is emerging from the third revolution, which brings technologies together, blurring the lines between physics, digital, and biology."

According to Ngo Tu Thanh (2017), online university – the biggest threat to traditional universities defined as Industrial Revolution 4.0, whose platform is the Internet of Things (IoT) based on the development of information and communication technology (ICT).

Many scholars believe that: The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is taking place in many fields, areas of life. Specifically, in the digital sector, this revolution has been building and developing three key core elements. That is:

1.    Artificial Intelligence (AI)
2.    Internet of Things (IoT)
3.    Big data.

1.    Besides, it also focuses on learning, collecting, and researching biotechnology to create new inventions and new applications. Thereby creating leaps and bounds in a variety of fields: agriculture, medicine, renewable energy, chemistry, and materials, ...

1.    Also, in the field of physics, the 4.0 technology revolution has created: next-generation robots, 3D printers, nanotechnology, and new materials such as graphene, skirmish, ...

Currently, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is incredibly "exciting," especially in developed countries such as the US and European countries. In addition, in some countries in Asia such as Japan, Korea, China. Not only that, in some developing countries, digital technology 4.0 is also gradually "creeping" into economic and political life, ...

Of course, this revolution is also taking place and growing strongly. In Vietnam, the 4.0 technology revolution also gradually enters all areas of life and economy, especially in education. In schools are changing from traditional teaching to teaching applied science and technology. Technology software is applied in education, such as virtual reality (VR) or the learner-centered reverse-take-class model.

3. The impact of the innovation trend and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on the education of students in general and high school students in particular:

The trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has been having far-reaching effects on teacher education and training (Vu Tuan Anh, Dao Trung Trung, 2018). The role of the teacher has been and continues to change from teacher status to designer, mentor, coach, and create a learning environment. Today, teachers must teach students to adjust the quality and value of information sources, and they must be open-minded, independently critical, cooperative, actively cooperating, and interpreters between learners and what they need to know, who provide a style of getting knowledge (Weinberger, Fischer, & Mandl, 2002). 

The role of the teacher in the 21st century becomes complex in a rapidly changing world, where knowledge becomes endless.  Teachers need to meet the training program standards to enhance learners' creativity, curiosity, and motivation; they need to ensure a safe environment in the classroom (Jafar Ahmadigol, 2016). Accordingly, teacher training institutions face many opportunities and challenges due to the impact of the 4.0 revolution. In the knowledge-based and digitalized society of the 21st century, education is facing enormous challenges moving from traditional learning to learning methods. It places tremendous demand to transform the role of teacher - who transmits knowledge in the traditional way to a new role as a catalyst and coordinator. 

This transformation forces teachers to flexibly face new tasks (Do Thi Ngoc Quynh, Pham Thi Quynh Anh, 2020). Teachers need to know that each group of students must use the design and creation of various teaching materials to bring maximum benefits to teaching and learning activities. This requires the teacher to understand the design principles, how to produce materials that meet the needs of learners, instructions materials, and the use of these materials in teaching. 

The teaching material that the teacher designs will be very diverse in type as well as form. It can be a document on the message board or a film in modern slideshow tools such as Powerpoint. Therefore, learning for career development is the process by which teachers acquire new professional knowledge and pedagogical methods to improve teaching practices, bringing change to individual teachers, students, and the education system (Truong Dinh Thang et al., 2021).

Some scholars confirm: When children are born surrounded by technology, the need for the application of technology in learning does not stop at the usual storage, communication, or collaboration tools but becomes overarching and blurring the lines between learning, entertainment, and lifestyle expression. In addition, the learning needs of other social components also continuously contribute to setting new requirements for the application of technology in education. 

Holon IQ (the world leader in market research in the field of Edtech) has forecast investment growth from 2018 to 2025 for technology groups in education as follows: AR/VR from 1.8 billion to 12.6 billion USD; AI from $0.8 billion to $6.1 billion; Robotics from $1.3 billion to $3.1 billion; and blockchain from 0.1 to $0.6 billion. Basically, besides the two pillars of functionality and purpose, technological innovations in education will revolve around improving the sophistication of algorithms (AI) and accompanied by a user experience upgrade (AR/VR).

It is not just tech giants like Facebook or Google that push society into a new era of computing startups (Vuong, 2019) and look at the gold mine of user data to optimize sales. The need for real-time data analysis has become fundamental for educational institutions, at least to serve the primary purposes of the learning process (learning, practicing, testing). In interacting with learners through technology protocols, learners leave "digital footprints" of their competencies, behaviors, and learning trends. The process of analyzing these traces helps both learners and teachers better understand the learning experience of each individual, thereby making proactive adjustments to learning behaviors, methods, and goals, in addition to computer-suggested and silent adjustments.

According to Hoang Anh Duc (2020) in "Trends in The Application of Technology in Education: Comprehensive Reform for a New Generation of Learners,": compared to Millennials (Generation Y, born from 1981~1996), centennial generation (generation Z, born from 1996~2011) has more substantial outbreaks of the need to express themselves. Reformative from the past decade, such as specification and individualization, shows that each group of students or individuals confronts Generation Z's characteristics. 

In this context, personalization policy encourages learners to navigate the learning process themselves seems more feasible with the winging of technology. Learning experiences can take place in a synchronous or out-of-sync way. Synchronous learning activities focus on exchanging ideas and information between multiple people over the same period (e.e., online discussion, virtual classrooms), which require listening and learning from others. On the other hand, learners conduct asynchronous learning activities at their own pace to listen to a lecture again or think more about a question without affecting others. 

Currently, online education platforms tend to mix these two learning experiences rather than choosing only one of two. According to EdSurge, by the end of 2018, more than 630 Microdegree programs had been certified. Instead of choosing a major that you do not understand well and risk quitting in the middle, the learner decides to learn what he likes, gradually clarifying the direction and strengthening his knowledge of that specialty. This reversal of choice behavior will pressure small universities or popular online university learning platforms (Sydney Johnson 2019).

4. The status of high school students' perceptions about future career orientation in the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

In order to assess the perception of high school students about the future career orientation in the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the author designed the questionnaire and conducted surveys (via Google form) for 186 high school students (90 male students, accounting for 48.3% and 96 female students accounting for 51.7&) representing three regions (North, Central, South). The data obtained is processed using SPSS software. The author uses a 5-tier Likert rating scale to rank and evaluates students' perceptions. The results are as follows:

Table 1. Assessment of the student's cognitive state
high school on future career orientation in the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Analysis of the table data above shows: 

The surveyed students were aware of the perception of high school students about the future career orientation in the trend of innovation, and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is only average, and most of the students with weak awareness; followed by poor cognition (also accounting for a large number). The survey also found that very few students had good awareness. 

The above results show an alarming reality about high school students' perception of future career orientation in the innovation trend and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This data also coincides with the results of an investigation into the student's future college/career selection errors; It is costly and wasteful for the students themselves and the whole society.

The author represents the results of high school students' perceptions of future career orientation in the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0  in the following chart:


5. Expert's assessment of high school students' perceptions of future career orientation in the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Consulting with experts on the perception of high school students about future career orientation in the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the author has obtained the following results:

Firstly, many high school students surveyed are aware of the future career orientation in innovation. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is only average and weak, especially for students in mountainous provinces, ethnic minorities.

Secondly, a section of high school students surveyed is aware of the future career orientation in the innovation trend and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 at a reasonable level. Experts say that these students come from cities, specialized schools, select classes, Places with good learning and education conditions.

Third, the number of students with weak and poor cognition is quite large. This is a wake-up to the career-oriented work of later high schools and universities.

Experts point to some of the following specific leading causes:

First, each student has not yet self-consciously learned about the future career orientation in the innovation trend and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. They spend too much time on social networks, living virtually; They are less likely to communicate directly with the people around them. The technology factor comes back that adversely affects students, making them incapable of developing a scientific and rational study, entertainment, and exchange plan. Some of them are addicted to games, living virtually...

Secondly, the school has not done an excellent job of orienting the future career in the innovation trend and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This result is due to a variety of subjective and guest-passing reasons. The school is focused on teaching words.

Third, the attention and education from the family; parents do not actively coordinate with the headteacher, with the school; spend little time exchanging, information, education, sharing with children; Let them find out for themselves, find information from many different channels.
Fourthly, the economic weakness, the development level of mountainous provinces and areas with ethnic minorities is also a bad influence on the perception of children living and studying in this area.

6. Solutions for high school students on future career orientation in the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

To orient the future career appropriately in the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, high school students need to implement the following specific solutions:

Solution 1. Every student preparing to graduate from high school needs to raise awareness about the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

This solution requires each high school student to find, supplement and raise awareness about the trend of innovation and the context of the 4.0 industrial revolution from many different channels on many different technology platforms: Mainstream Media (Television, press, newsletter ... by the regulatory authorities are entitled to issue).

The implementation of this solution is essential because it helps students have sufficient understanding, accuracy, and comprehension about the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

They understood the requirements of the innovation trend and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 for workers in the future, thereby helping them prepare their minds and have enough data on the correct career orientation.

High school students can implement this solution in the following ways:

Talk to teachers and teachers in the school; Ask teachers to provide complete and comprehensive information on the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

Please consult parents, adults, experts ... to update information about innovation trends and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

High school students can update their information through official state-authorized information channels.

High school students may need to be cautious and attentive when accessing information about innovation trends and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 through social networking sites; need to have an accurate way of evaluating and filtering information; avoiding unfortunate mistakes.

Solution 2. Learn and forecast the future human resource demand

This solution requires each high school student to learn actively and make forecasts about the needs of society for the future labor market, especially for the professions they like and care about; avoid choosing and career orientation for social occupations that do not need to be used or will be lost in the future.

Implementing this solution is very important because it helps high school students understand, evaluate, and estimate the human resource needs for future professions. These are the scientific bases and bases to help them orient their career correctly; do not waste themselves and society.
High school students can implement this solution in the following ways:

Refer to the official statistical channels and forecasts of the state (General Statistics Office) or international organizations (World Bank, World Labor Organization - ILO ...); state management agencies (ministries, sectors ...) to have enough information about the industry in the present and future.

Analysis of state-owned newspapers (General Statistics Office) or international organizations (World Bank, World Labor Organization - ILO...); state management agencies (ministries, sectors...) for accurate forecasts.

Ask for experts' opinions from many different fields to have many accurate, complete, and comprehensive sources of information.

Design and operate models that forecast future human resources using appropriate software and algorithms. Combine different ways to forecast.

Solution 3. Accurate assessment of yourself (dreams, aspirations, insights, skills...) and the ability to respond to the needs of society

This solution requires each high school student to make an accurate, complete, and comprehensive self-assessment, i.e., to understand themselves most accurately and objectively; to reflect on the requirements of the professions they love in the future; to recognize what they lack and predict their ability to meet the professions they love in the future.

This solution is essential among the proposed author solutions. It gives a scientific basis; Data is a basis for each high school student to guide their career future accurately.

High school students can implement this solution in the following ways:

Use assessment tools (IQ, EQ, biometrics...) to self-evaluate perceptions, intelligence, emotions ... his own. That is, you must answer a series of questions: What are your dreams and aspirations? Whom do I want to be in the future? To what extent am I smart? How is your emotional index? What knowledge do I have? Are your skills, okay?...

Invite professional reviews from experts. This method demonstrates the most objective and practical professionalism in evaluating perceptions, intellect, emotions ... his own. In addition, the evaluation from teachers, parents, friends are also ways that children can refer to and combine with expert assessments.

Comparing the results of assessments on perceptions, wisdom, emotions ... For yourself for future career requirements.

Solution 4. Decide on the right career direction.

This solution requires each high school student to be self-aware that making decisions about career orientation is their responsibility and not that of their parents, family, or society; the student is solely responsible for that decision, which significantly affects the next steps in each student's life.

This solution is fundamental; it is the final step in choosing the career orientation of each high school student, expressing each student's perception, skills, attitude, world view, and outlook, and reflecting their dreams, ideals, and aspirations.

High school students can implement this solution in the following ways:

According to psychologists, high school students should make a matrix about career-oriented choices; compare with the requirements of future careers; compare suitability, levels of suitability to their needs, aspirations, and interests. 

Students should make a list with a wide selection of career orientation options and rank on a priority scale of 1 to 10. You need to take the time to think seriously about this issue; you can consult experts, parents, teachers, friends. However, the person making the career-oriented decision must be the student himself.

After making a career-oriented decision, high school students need to develop a specific and detailed plan to make that decision a reality.

The trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has been and will have a substantial impact on young people in general and high school students in both positive directions and poses many challenges for students; with family-social schools. Raising awareness for high school students about the future career orientation in the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is essential for students preparing to graduate from high school.

The awareness education for high school students about the future career orientation in the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 must be the responsibility of the school-family-society. Each department has a different role and meaning: The school plays a leading role, the family plays a coordinating role, society has a role in creating favorable conditions for awareness of the innovation trend and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

Derived from the above analysis, the author proposes the following specific solutions to educate high school students about the future career orientation in the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, including:

Firstly, each student preparing to graduate from high school needs to raise awareness about the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

Secondly, learn and forecast the future human resource needs.

Third, accurate assessment of oneself (dreams, aspirations, insights, skills...) and the ability to respond to the needs of society.

Fourth, decide the right career direction.


Educational activities, career orientation for the young generation in general, for high school students, always attract the research activities of scholars, especially before the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This educational activity is only successful and effective when there is a consensus on the principles of education, that is school - family - society; in which the role of the school is the center, coordinating the activities of the family and society; to promote the highest self-awareness, independence, and creativity of high school students. The role of high school students is reflected in the fact that each student preparing to graduate from high school needs to raise awareness about the trend of innovation and the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0; Learn and forecast the future human resource demand; Accurate assessment of oneself (dreams, aspirations, insights, skills...) and the ability to respond to the needs of society; Decide on the right career direction.

The results of the investigation of the situation and the assessment of experts showed that high school students performing the above contents of Vietnamese students are mostly average, weak, and poor; few at reasonable level; Experts also point out that there are differences in living conditions, culture, and learning that are the cause of differences in the perceptions, behaviors, and attitudes of high school students. After all the above analysis, the author said that high school students are the ones who must make decisions on their own career choices before graduation; You are also responsible for these decisions.

Suggestions for further studies:

Within the scope of this scientific article, the author cannot fully assess the factors affecting the decisions on choice and career orientation of high school students preparing to graduate in Vietnam; has not shown the weighting of the impact of factors and cannot study and evaluate and analyze high school students after graduation and compare, compare, and evaluate the effectiveness of their decisions. These studies will contribute to knowledge and understanding of the field of choice, career orientation of young people in general, high school students.

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