27/07/2024 at 11:43 (GMT+7)
Breaking News

Fifty outstanding FDI firms receive 2024 Golden Dragon Awards

Among the excellent brands honored with the Golden Dragon Awards 2024 are Samsung, LG Display, Intel, Qualcomm, Heineken, HSBC, Lego, SCG, UOB and Coca-Cola.
Representative of Gamuda Land Vietnam LLC, one of the 50 FDI enterprises receiving the Golden Dragon Award. (Photo: sggp.org.vn)

Following the plenary session of the fourth Vietnam Development Bridge Forum taking place in Hai Phong City on April 10, a ceremony was held to announce and honor outstanding FDI enterprises receiving the 2024 Golden Dragon Awards.

The 2024 Golden Dragon Awards focus on surveying and reviewing pioneering businesses in green transformation, circular transformation, ensuring low carbon emissions in production, business and corporate governance; with focus and plans to implement ESG (Environmental, Social, & Governance) criteria.

Pioneering businesses announce their roadmap towards “Net – Zero”, contributing to the goal of successfully implementing Vietnam’s Net Zero commitment by 2050.

In 2024, the organizers received more than 486 nominations and registrations for the awards. Through two rounds of survey and review, the 2024 Golden Dragon Awards announced and honored 50 typical FDI enterprises in six industry groups, including: processing and manufacturing industry; digital technology and digital services; financial and insurance services; infrastructure, industrial park and real estate development; education and health care; and agriculture, food and beverages.

Among the honored brands are Samsung, LG Display, Intel, Qualcomm, Heineken, HSBC, Lego, SCG, UOB and Coca-Cola./.