22/10/2024 at 15:28 (GMT+7)
Breaking News

Continue to improve investment environment for sustainable development

Promoting exchanges, cooperation, introducing images, innovating selective investment attraction, promoting administrative reform, quickly implementing procedures, providing support and guidance, promptly removing obstacles for enterprises, etc.are the key and strategic solutions that the province has been implementing to continue improving the investment environment.

Promoting exchanges, cooperation, introducing images, innovating selective investment attraction, promoting administrative reform, quickly implementing procedures, providing support and guidance, promptly removing obstacles for enterprises, etc.are the key and strategic solutions that the province has been implementing to continue improving the investment environment.

Long An is focusing on completing transport infrastructure, promoting stable and sustainable socio-economic development, contributing to attracting investment (Photo: Provincial Road 830E, the section through Ben Luc district is being urgently constructed)

Reliable and effective investment environment

According to the Director of the Department of Planning and Investment - Truong Van Liep, domestic and foreign enterprises investing in the province find Long An to have a transparent and safe investment environment, the provincial leaders are friendly, sincere and always accompany enterprises in production and business.

In particular, enterprises investing in the province are all equal, receive timely support and enjoy full policies according to regulations, without discrimination between domestic and foreign enterprises.

Representative of the Management Board of Tan Kim Industrial Park Expansion (Can Giuoc district) - Huynh Van Banh said: When investing in Long An, enterprises carefully study related mechanisms and policies. In recent times, the difficulties, obstacles and recommendations of enterprises, including secondary enterprises, have been recognized and promptly resolved by the provincial leaders.


The provincial leaders regularly meet with enterprises to learn about the production and business activities (Photo: Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation - Nguyen Thanh Hai and provincial leaders visit and work at the Tan Kim Expanded Industrial Park)

Representative of Viet Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (Thu Thua District) - Pham Quoc Khanh shared: After more than 15 years of investing in the province, the Company has found the investment environment to be truly attractive, safe and effective. Long An borders Ho Chi Minh City, the traffic infrastructure is constantly invested and upgraded; policies are fully implemented, administrative procedures are increasingly streamlined; difficulties and problems are listened to and resolved promptly.

The Company is proactive in the production stage, focuses on customer care, market surveys, research and transform production models, prioritize automation to suit and serve production in the current and upcoming periods.

Continue to improve the investment environment

According to the Provincial Mster Plan for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, the province sets the goal that by 2030, Long An will become a dynamic, effective and sustainable economic center of the Southern region, a gateway to the economic, urban and industrial corridor closely connecting Ho Chi Minh City and the Southeast with the Mekong Delta.

The province will focus on effectively exploiting competitive advantages, promoting the role of regional connectivity, upgrading infrastructure, administrative reform, innovating thinking and working methods in investment promotion, proactively contacting and providing information to large and potential investors, digitizing and publicizing information documents about the province; etc.

The synchronous solutions are identified as a strategic breakthrough to strongly improve the investment and business environment, helping the province to get closer to domestic and foreign investors.

According to the Head of the Provincial Economic Zone Management Board - Le Truong Chinh, in order to continue to improve the investment environment, the unit closely coordinates with provincial departments, branches, and sectors as well as industrial park investors to grasp information, promptly remove difficulties and obstacles of enterprises, contributing to creating favorable conditions to attract investment in industrial parks as well as in the area.

The Board requires industrial park investors to deploy, implement, and fully inform guidelines and policies; publicly and transparently announce procedures; fully and accurately support and guide procedures; promote investment promotion in many appropriate and effective forms, etc to attract investment with the highest results.

At the same time, the Board promotes administrative procedure reform, maintains the operation of the Investment Promotion Portal for Industrial Parks and Economic Zones (ipinvietnam.vn) in 5 languages (Vietnamese, English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese); provides information to press agencies, radio stations, associations, etc to produce articles and reports on industrial parks and economic zones in the province.


Currently, the province has nearly 19,000 registered enterprises (Photo: Workers of Viet Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company are completing products to hand over to partners)

In addition, the Board continues to closely coordinate with departments and branches to respond to and resolve recommendations, difficulties and problems of enterprises; provide full and accurate information on industrial parks, pre-built factory areas, and investment incentives for domestic and foreign investors according to their needs; provide information for investors who come to survey and research in industrial parks in the province. The Board coordinates with news agencies and newspapers to produce special reports on the province's economic achievements; etc.

Mr. Truong Van Liep informed: Inheriting the achieved results, opportunities and challenges in the coming period, the province maximizes the potential and advantages in attracting investment with breakthrough and focused strategies. The province effectively implements the Action Program to implement the Provincial Master Plann for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050; effectively implement the 2024 Investment Promotion Program, strengthen coordination with central investment promotion agencies, develop a plan to welcome business delegations to explore investment opportunities in the province, complete infrastructure and prepare conditions to receive investment.

In addition, the province selectively attracts investment with the goal of ensuring harmony between socio-economic development and protection of natural resources and environment, associated with green economic development and circular economic development; continue to implement solutions to improve the business environment, enhance the province's competitiveness to ensure sustainability.

To successfully implement the goal of renewing the growth model, the province will focus on training to improve the quality of human resources to create a competitive advantage in the province's long-term strategy. It is expected that the province will continue to affirm itself as a profitable and successful investment destination for investors.


To date, the province has nearly 19,000 registered enterprises with a total registered capital of 386,470 billion VND. The province has 2,254 domestic projects with a registered capital of 491,574 billion VND. The province has attracted 1,388 FDI projects with a capital of more than 11.8 billion USD; of which, 635 projects have come into operation with a total investment capital of more than 4.2 billion USD.


With a consistent viewpoint in implementing the policies of the Central Government and the province, and synchronous implementation of the entire political system from the province to the locality, Long An will focus all resources to accelerate the development of the transport infrastructure system, urban areas, and economic infrastructure to contribute to improving the investment environment.

The province is focusing on allocating capital to key, widespread transport projects with regional connectivity such as Ring Road 3, Ring Road 4 of Ho Chi Minh City, Provincial Road 830E, Provincial Road 823D, etc.

These projects help to remove traffic bottlenecks, open up new development spaces, increase investment attraction, and reduce costs and time for investors.

At the same time, the province increases the publicity of planning and land use plans according to the planning; supports and guides investors to speed up compensation, site clearance, land handover, land lease, and issuance of land use right certificates in accordance with the prescribed procedures and order, saving time and costs for enterprises.

In addition to resolving proposals and recommendations from enterprises, the province has increased support for legal procedures for enterprises related to the investment and business operations. The investment promotion and support agency will provide free consultation on procedures for establishing enterprises and administrative procedures for investment and business.

At the same time, the province provides information on planning and orientation for socio-economic development of the province, connects and introduces locations and accompanies investors in surveying investment locations suitable for planning, creating favorable conditions for investors to soon deploy projects in the province.

“Long An proactively coordinates closely with ministries, central branches, provinces and cities in the region to connect and share common resources, focus on completing key and strategic transport infrastructure projects, and create new development corridors. Thereby opening up and connecting the province's development resources; creating advantages in the long-term investment attraction strategy; helping enterprises participate deeply and widely in the global value chain; comprehensive, modern economic development, promoting economic restructuring associated with green growth model innovation, improving productivity, quality, and efficiency, stable and sustainable economic development" - Mr. Truong Van Liep emphasized./.

Reported by Chau Son 

Translated by NT