The launch of ITS is part of implementing the directive outlined by the Hanoi Party Committee regarding digital transformation and building a smart Hanoi by 2025, with the goal of turning the capital into a smart and modern city that will be linked to a smart urban network in the region and the world by 2030.
Upon addressing the event, Thai Ho Phuong, director of the Hanoi Traffic Management and Operation Center, emphasized that the ITS system includes the application of technologies in management and operation of the transportation system in Hanoi as a means of ensuring traffic safety and protecting the environment.
He revealed that the system will install peripheral equipment at two pilot intersections on Pham Van Bach street, including the installation of cameras to support fines, traffic monitoring cameras, speed cameras, and the variable message signs (VMS).
Nguyen Phi Thuong, director of the Hanoi Department of Transport, underscored the importance of the system in providing a foundation for completing the project on smart transportation in Hanoi moving forward.