The Communist Party of Vietnam has led the Vietnamese people to victory and complete unification, leading the country into a new era of prosperity.
The 95 years of the establishment and development of the Communist Party of Vietnam is a glorious journey with remarkable achievements, in which the Party’s leadership is the decisive factor in bringing Vietnam to independence, unification, innovation, development, international integration and towards the era of national development.
That is the common opinion of foreign politicians, researchers, experts and scholars in discussions with press reporters in China, Japan, Laos, Indonesia, India, Argentina, Italy, Russia and Australia.
Experts emphasize that being steadfast on the chosen path, proactive, constantly innovating and closely attached to the people are key factors that help the Communist Party of Vietnam affirm its role and historical mission.
Pioneering the shoulder
Assessing the significance of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam on February 3, 1930, Mr. Stefano Bonilauri, Director of Anteo Edizioni Publishing House, Italy, called this a historic turning point, marking the beginning of a new era in the struggle for independence, freedom and prosperity of the Vietnamese people.
Sharing the above opinion, Professor Furuta Motoo - President of Vietnam-Japan University, emphasized that the greatest significance of the birth of the Communist Party of Vietnam was to open up new prospects for the Vietnamese national liberation movement, ending the crisis in terms of policy.
The Communist Party of Vietnam was born with the goal of seeking the prospect of victory for the Vietnamese national revolution by linking with the international communist movement - the world revolution - the path that President Ho Chi Minh chose.
According to Professor G. Devarajan - General Secretary of the All India Forward Bloc (AIFB), the birth of the Communist Party of Vietnam was both ideologically necessary and a strategic response in the context of the crisis in the nation’s path to national salvation under the colonial regime.
In other words, with the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam, President Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese communists were ready to choose: to be proactive and pioneers in shouldering the great historical responsibility of leading the Vietnamese people to fight against colonialism and feudalism and gain national independence.
In the pioneering journey of shouldering that historic responsibility, the Communist Party of Vietnam is not only the one who determines the revolutionary path but also the one who directly leads and directs the implementation of the path on the basis of steadfastness and flexible application of theories on the path of national liberation and development, along with the ability to gather all classes of people to create a solid foundation of great national unity.
According to Deputy Director of the Lao National Academy of Politics and Public Administration Daosavan Kheuamixay, along with the creative application of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought to the actual conditions and situations of Vietnam in a correct and creative manner in each period, the Communist Party of Vietnam has steadfastly taken the people as the root in mobilizing all classes of people to rise up against all enemies.
Meanwhile, General Secretary of the Communist Party of India (CPI) Doraisamy Raja stated that the long-term revolutionary leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam stems from its ideological clarity, adaptability and deep connection with the people.
These were also the premises for the victories of the Vietnamese revolution, from the August Revolution in 1945 that gave birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, to the defeat of French colonialism and American imperialism, making Vietnam a country with independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
The pioneering and proactive nature of the Communist Party of Vietnam is also clearly demonstrated in the country’s construction during the peaceful period, with the leadership mark of the 1986 Renovation, which the General Secretary of the Communist Party of India likened to “a testament to its adaptability, strategic vision and commitment to ensuring the welfare of the people.”
Expert Veeramalla Anjaiah, senior researcher at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) based in Indonesia, assessed that the transformation in the Doi Moi process nearly 40 years ago in Vietnam has proven to be suitable for the country’s context, conditions, potential in terms of resources, human resources and other factors, thereby promoting significant economic growth and development, lifting millions of people out of poverty.
Mr. Wei Wei, a Vietnam research expert and Head of the Vietnamese Department of China Central Radio and Television (CMG), affirmed that the role of the Communist Party of Vietnam in the process of national renewal is extremely important. The Party’s leadership is directly related to the basic orientation, future destiny, and ultimate success or failure in the cause of modernization and development of Vietnam.
It is also proactive in international integration, openness, and active participation in common issues of the international community. In particular, Vietnam’s “bamboo diplomacy” policy is highly appreciated by public opinion.
According to Valeria Vershinina, Deputy Director of the ASEAN Center, Diplomatic Academy of Moscow (Russia), the bamboo diplomatic style is first and foremost about adapting to the current situation in international relations, being soft, flexible, and most importantly, always keeping the initiative in decisions. The Argentine newspaper Resumen Latinoamericano affirmed that this is “a foreign policy that brings the country into a new era.”
Many international experts also pointed out that the fight against corruption and the policy of streamlining the apparatus led by the Communist Party of Vietnam are proof of its proactive and pioneering stance in the face of challenges the country is facing.
Layton Pike, a member of the Advisory Board of the Australia-Vietnam Policy Institute, said these are important pillars to strengthen governance and promote sustainable development. These efforts demonstrate Vietnam’s strong commitment to building a transparent and accountable government, building trust and confidence among the public, investors and international partners.
Affirming the important role of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Chinese expert Wei Wei said that the Communist Party is a party for the people. The Communist Party of Vietnam, as the ruling party, has promoted the concept of “taking the people as the center” of governance.
95 years ago, the Communist Party of Vietnam pioneered the path of national independence associated with socialism to bring prosperity and happiness to the people. Since the historic turning point event marking a “new era in the struggle for independence, freedom and prosperity of the Vietnamese people” on February 3, 1930, the Communist Party of Vietnam has persisted on the chosen path, proactively shouldering the responsibility of leading the people into a “new era” - the era of national growth.
Mission in the new era
“The Communist Party has led the Vietnamese people to victory and complete unification, and today is leading the country into a new era of prosperity.”
That comment by Dr. Ruvislei González Saez, senior researcher at the Cuban Center for International Policy Studies, is proof that the Communist Party of Vietnam continues to shoulder great responsibilities and missions for the nation in the new era.
Sharing the same view, Professor, Doctor Thanh Han Binh, Director of the Center for Vietnamese Studies, Zhejiang University of Industry, affirmed that in the current reform and construction of the “new era”, the Communist Party of Vietnam plays an absolute and irreplaceable role.
Referring to the two “100-year goals” to build a new socialist Vietnam, a prosperous country, rich people, safe and happy life (by 2030, the 100th anniversary of the Party’s founding: a developing country, with modern industry, high average income; and by 2045, the 100th anniversary of the country’s founding, becoming a developed country, high income), the Chinese researcher emphasized that only the Communist Party of Vietnam can put the people’s interests first and only the Communist Party of Vietnam can propose such a grand strategy.
Meanwhile, Mr. Stefano Bonilauri - Director of Anteo Edizioni Publishing House in Reggio Emilia city, Northern Italy, believes that Vietnam is truly standing on the threshold of an era of growth, marked by a clear and ambitious vision.
The long-term goals set for 2030 and 2045 are bold but realistic. They reflect the will of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Vietnamese people to strengthen their role in the international arena, improve the quality of life of their people, and consolidate the country’s position as an important economic and political power.
Mr. Stefano Bonilauri believes that the current domestic and international context offers many great opportunities. The large young workforce, the growing momentum for digital transformation, agricultural and industrial potential, and the strategic role in the Asia-Pacific region are all favorable factors for Vietnam’s development in the new era.
However, these opportunities also come with significant challenges, such as the impact of climate change, the risk of stagnant productivity, regional inequality and the need to ensure economies are resilient and competitive in an uncertain global context.
According to Italian experts, to overcome these challenges, it is necessary to maintain the spirit of innovation, along with promoting sustainable development and strengthening social cohesion.
Experts also emphasize innovation as a “key” to open the door to a new era for Vietnam, because the spirit of innovation has been demonstrated since the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1930.
This turning point not only originated from the courage, intelligence, and spirit of independence, but also from the innovation and creativity of the Party, headed by President Ho Chi Minh, in absorbing and applying Marxist-Leninist theory to the specific conditions of Vietnam.
The adjustment of the revolutionary line to suit Vietnam’s conditions was shown in placing the goal of gaining national independence above class struggle, renewing thinking and methods from spontaneous struggle to organized struggle, creating the glorious August Revolution of 1945.
In each historical period, the Communist Party of Vietnam has always promptly made adjustments in strategic direction, outlining creative guidelines to lead the people in carrying out the revolution.
Mr. Marcelo Rodriguez, Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Argentina, expressed his admiration for President Ho Chi Minh’s communist vision of Marxism as well as the method of carrying out the revolution in Vietnam against colonialism and the struggle for freedom for the Vietnamese people, calling these “glorious feats that still retain their value.”
Many opinions assess that the decision to implement the Renovation process in Vietnam is a clear demonstration of the innovation capacity of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
General Secretary of the Communist Party of India, Mr. Doraisamy Raja, said that the decision to implement Doi Moi reflected a deep understanding of Vietnam’s socio-economic conditions and global trends. The policy of combining socialist principles with practical economic reforms closely followed Marxist-Leninist and Ho Chi Minh thought.
This ideological clarity ensures that reforms remain focused on the long-term goal of building a prosperous, independent socialist Vietnam.
Sharing this view, Dr. Ruvislei González Sáez, a leading expert on Vietnam in Latin America, said that the Communist Party of Vietnam has shown the world a lesson in building socialism: that is, it is necessary to transform everything that needs to be transformed without losing its essence, values, and principles.
According to Dr. Ruvislei, Vietnam is entering a new era thanks to the history of the Party and the ability of its leaders to understand the country’s reality and the international context to make appropriate adjustments to current conditions. This is also the spirit of innovation that the Communist Party of Vietnam has been pursuing.
Vietnam has made remarkable progress and is steadily moving towards prosperity, affirmed Professor G. Devarajan, General Secretary of the All India Forward Bloc (AIFB).
The AIFB leader believes that with the right balance between innovation, prudence and strategic planning, Vietnam can successfully overcome challenges and seize the opportunities ahead, meeting the aspirations of its people.
As shared by Professor G. Devarajan, by leveraging its core strengths – people-centered policies, ideological commitment and lessons learned from past experiences – the Communist Party of Vietnam can steer the country towards continuous progress, ensuring the realization of its vision of a prosperous, just and equal society.
In leading the country over the past 95 years, the success of the Communist Party of Vietnam has been based on the solid foundation of strong support from the people, and the people’s trust will continue to be the fulcrum for the Communist Party of Vietnam to successfully fulfill its historical mission in the new era./.