15/03/2025 at 07:44 (GMT+7)
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The orientation of ATD International will change the situation of Vietnam recruitment market and online human resource training

According to a World Economic Forum Report published in 2020, the rapid pace of automation and economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic will change the division of labor between humans and machines, causing 85 million jobs to be replaced and 97 million new jobs created by 2025. It is a fact that signals a huge opportunity for the field of recruitment, training and human resource development.

According to a World Economic Forum Report published in 2020, the rapid pace of automation and economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic will change the division of labor between humans and machines, causing 85 million jobs to be replaced and 97 million new jobs created by 2025. It is a fact that signals a huge opportunity for the field of recruitment, training and human resource development.

Gen Z - a potential human resource closely linked with information technology

This is the generation that has grown up with technology since they were just fetuses. It is the early access to technology that has created Gen Z a strong need for information technology. To promote cohesion as well as attract Gen Z employees, businesses need to apply technology in operations by learning and applying software to support business management such as task management software, project management software, resource management, internal communication channels, etc.

Mr. Le Khac Hiep and associates attended the event “Vietnam International Innovation Expo 2021”.

Based on the foundation of many new technologies, whose core is digital technology (artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, cloud computing, Internet of things, etc), digital transformation is creating new development spaces - Digital economy, digital society, e-Government. In particular, digital transformation opens up great opportunities for Vietnam to create breakthrough development, quickly catching up with developed countries, which have just started the digital transformation process.

In fact, when society develops, the products and services created by enterprises will not be consumed in one place but must be advertised, introduced and transported to places of demand to meet the needs of e-commerce. death. Similarly, the need for recruiting and training personnel must also change compared to the "traditional" way of doing things on the spot as before. Many businesses have actively looked to technology companies to find support solutions in the field of online recruitment and training.

Grasping and "forestall" that trend, Advanced Technology International JSC was established, operating mainly in the field of development of smart technology products regarding job connection and providing online training platform. As a result, ADT is becoming a bright name that investors and business owners are looking for to cooperate with.

"Certainly, many people are also curious about the behind of creative technology products reaching the international level. The answer, which ADT is extremely proud of, is that they are designed and made by 100% Vietnamese. ADT journey is a series of continuous activities following its core values. We do not think it is brilliant, the peak "- Mr. Le Khac Hiep, CEO of ADT shared. 

Applying digital technology to make different values

ADT gathers a team of well-trained technicians, starting from well-known information technology universities in Vietnam and also worldwide. The members of ADT define clearly the strengths and needs of organizations and corporates as well as the importance of personnel in this technology age. From there, updating the latest technology trends in the world to serve the Vietnam market. Up to this point, Edunow and Jobnow are considered the most successful applications of ADT. 

Signing ceremony between Electricity Power University and ADT International Joint Stock Company in developing “Jobnow recruitment and employment network”.

Since we are a company specializing in the field of information technology, we were fortunate to visit many corporates, which have projects connecting products and customers by technology when doing this project and during the research process. It is really difficult to compare software, applications, or IT projects because the nature of each project aims to serve a unique need. At this time, there was no corporate implementing the online human resource training project.

With the Edunow application, the system helps businesses and training institutions have a system for managing and training employees, learning processes of employees on the online platform. Managers easily monitor, adjust and evaluate the training process effectively and provide online teaching tools suitable for both short and long-term courses or training programs.

The activity roadmap of the system is hierarchical clearly with each capacity frame, title. There are reports of the detailed results of each student, reports of tests including specific number of participants, percentage answer each question, percentage of correct answers each question, etc.

When creating "supply" for corporate personnel with expertise, trained internal culture of the company and having "ready" spirit to fight and serve, ADT immediately thought of "demand" of employees. As a result, Jobnow was born contemporaneously. It is a foundation that helps employers across Vietnam to find suitable candidates through online interviews directly by the smartphone at anytime, anywhere. Jobnow is a bridge that support employers hire the right people and candidates find the right jobs.

Currently, ADT are building an online training system for universities, vocational colleges, foreign language and skills training centers, ministries, sectors and businesses, which are looking to raise the capacity for personnel. At the same time, implement the project of building job portals for them. 

Each project startup and startup ideas of students, which are posted on these portals, will be connected to thousands of businesses leading to raise the implementing possibility of projects. Besides, Jobnow's job fairs are informed to thousands of businesses networking with Jobnow while the school will have more partners to attend its job fair. This is also an opportunity for school to brand itself during enrollment seasons.

Assoc. Prof. Pham Hong Chuong- Rector of National Economics University and Mr. Le Khac Hiep – General Director of ADT International Joint Stock Company awarded a cooperation agreement in developing a career guidance and recruitment platform on Website and Mobile App.

In order to support large enterprises in manufacturing industries, businesses recruiting a large number of employees such as bank, insurance, supermarket, ADT also built a recruitment website and Mobile App to sync with Jobnow and support to organize online recruitment fairs for businesses. That means saving a lot of cost and time for recruitment as well as spread out branding of enterprise. That is the authentic story and journey that ADT has done and is experienced by many organizations.

Mr. Hiep emphasized that the idea is not everything for startups, but the importance is to operate the model and soberly assess whether it is really successful or not. Because it is very difficult to convert idea into practice. Sometimes, a successful start-up is not due to smart level, experiences but it depends much on our determination, not giving up until we can answer our life questions. ADT is well-known in Vietnam because it provides a platform with values being fit to this age. ADT has been become more and more popular as the pandemic COVID-19 extend the distance between businesses and businesses, people with people forcing current businesses need to be attempted to adapt with digital and technology. the distance now connect with businesses, people communicate with humans are far more.

“Each new product made by us is becoming more completed than its previous version. Impacts brought by technology are not touchable, but if operating properly at the correct manner, it can bring amazing values and no need waits for the future coming, at this time, the online training and recruitment market is hotter than ever", that is the idea originated and ended during the lengthy conversation between us with Mr. Le Khac Hiep - CEO of ADT./.

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