24/02/2025 at 12:57 (GMT+7)
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“Fostering Innitiatives and Actions by AFEO to Build a Sustainable and Prosperous ASEAN Community”


38th Conference of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO 38) The Ha Noi Declaration  *18 – 26 November 2020, Ha Noi – Viet Nam.

WE, the national engineering organizations in the 10 ASEAN member countries, collectively known as the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO), namely, Pertubuhan Ukur, Jurutera dan Arkitek (PUJA), Brunei Darussalam; Board of Engineers Cambodia (BEC), Cambodia; Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII), Indonesia; the Lao Union of Science and Engineering Associations (LUSEA), Lao PDR; the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM), Malaysia; the Federation Myanmar Engineering Societies (Fed.MES), Myanmar; the Philippine Technological Council (PTC), The Philippines; The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES), Singapore; The Engineering Institute of Thailand under the King’s Patronage (EIT), Thailand; and the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA), Viet Nam, participate in the 38th Conference of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO 38) online in Hanoi from the 18th to 26th November with the theme: “Fostering innitiatives and actions by AFEO to build a sustainable and prosperous ASEAN community”.We acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a severe and multidimensional impact on the region, and expressed our optimism that ASEAN Community building efforts will continue apace with ASEAN’s strong mettle and self-reliance. We underscored the need for ASEAN to uphold the spirit of a cohesive and responsive ASEAN Community to further strengthen cooperation and advance our partnerships to ensure resilience and sustainable development in Southeast Asia and beyond.

RECALLING that at the previous CAFEO37, held from 10th to 14thSeptember 2019 in Jakarta, AFEO by way of the Jakarta Declaration had called on the member countries to proactively take concrete actions to (i)forge path to zero plastics; (ii) advance exellence in engineering education; (iii) enhance engineer mobility; (iv) facilitate digital technology enablement; and (v) promote entrepreneuring thinking.

The objective of CAFEO 38 is reaffirm AFEO’s commitment to the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 (ASEAN Vision to 2025), and the United Nations Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030) by reinforcing the core role of engineers in promoting sustainable development; initiating programs from student exchanges to engineers to share experiences and learn from each other, facilitating the use of digital technology and entrepreneurship thinking to foster connectivity, equity and prosperity of ASEAN.

With the theme “Fostering AFEO’s role in building a sustainable and prosperous ASEAN community”, AFEO commits to carry out its duties and responsibilities diligently to establish strong networks with government bodies, private entities  agencies with ASEAN member countries, thereby promoting experience sharing; strengthening cooperation between AFEO members; facilitating the exchange and development of entrepreneur thinking methods as well as providing high-quality technical education, building a team of engineers ready to promote sustainable development in ASEAN community.


We reaffirm our commitment to fully and effectively implement the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the ASEAN Leaders’ Vision Statement on ASEAN cohesion and proactive adaptation: Overcoming challenges and sustaining growth; and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030) through key initiatives and AFEO working groups; and emphasize the importance of maintaining ASEAN centrality and solidarity in community building efforts; while enhancing engagement with external partners in the face of unprecedented challenges and serious socio-economic impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

AFEO is committed to reinforcing the role of promoting the sustainable development of engineers; taking concrete actions to strengthen ASEAN community cooperation, enhancing the exchange and share of knowledge, best practices through working groups at AFEO, and advocating with the government to promote engineers and engineering students exchange programs between ASEAN countries.


1) Strengthening exchanges, relocation and training of engineers, especially the role of Women Engineers and Young Engineers.

- Promoting essential linkages in the region by facilitating, to the possible extent, essential engineer mobility toward uniformity of ASEAN professional engineer registration between ACPE and AER,in order to increase the exchanges of technical students and help them get exposed in the context of Covid-19’s massive regional and global impact.

2) Strengthening ASEAN connectivity and mobility towards the application of digital solutions and 4.0 technology,

- In order to effectively respond to climate change and mitigate natural disasters; strengthening supply chain connectivity and human resources development for complete growth and recovery of the ASEAN database of trade routes and the Supply Chain Efficiency Framework by the end of 2020 and ready for the future through technical training.

3) Promoting people-centered connections in the fields of information technology, transportation, and sustainable energy.

4) Strengthening sustainable development cooperation, including with external partners to contribute to a more effective ASEAN reconstruction of the multidimensional impact of COVID-19 and emphasizing the importance of citizen health protectionand well-being; supporting inclusive and sustainable economic recovery, and strengthening inclusive and multilateral partnerships.


WE, the member organizations of ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO) commit ourselves in this Hanoi Declaration and have initiated Working Group and Committees to adopt, enhance and accelerate the actions stated in this Declaration.

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