18/10/2024 at 15:38 (GMT+7)
Breaking News

Focus on developing priority industries

The Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee has just issued a plan to develop industry and trade in Khanh Hoa province until 2025 and the period 2026 - 2030.

Focus on developing priority industries. Illustrative photo.

According to the plan, in the field of industry, Khanh Hoa province will focus on developing priority industries; Accompanying with investors to remove obstacles and difficulties in implementing industrial park and industrial cluster infrastructure projects in the province; connect and support investors to access preferential credits for infrastructure investment; accelerate investment progress. Promote investment promotion to call for investors to build and operate industrial park and industrial cluster infrastructure, and secondary investors to fill industrial parks and industrial clusters in the province and industrial development functional areas, in which: Van Phong economic zone focuses on investing in the following industries: Energy, shipbuilding, seaports, processing and manufacturing industry, high technology, and supporting industries, oil and gas processing industries, hydrogen production. Nha Trang city area focuses on developing high-tech industries and surrounding areas (electronics, information technology, new materials technology); Relocate facilities that pollute the environment. Cam Ranh Bay area focuses on developing seaports, processing and manufacturing industries, solar power, fisheries logistics services, seafood processing, agricultural products and construction materials production. .. Focus on completing the infrastructure of industrial parks and industrial clusters such as: Ninh Thuy Industrial Park, Doc Da Trang, Nam Cam Ranh...; Industrial clusters of Dien Tho, Trang E, Ninh Xuan... Establish industrial clusters according to approved planning. Research, review and supplement the planning of a number of new industrial parks and industrial clusters, giving priority to the development of eco-industrial parks and specialized industrial parks...

Regarding the commercial sector, Khanh Hoa province will focus on developing the commercial infrastructure system, which will review the needs to invest in new construction, upgrading and renovating markets according to the civilized trade market model, food safety; Invest in building agricultural wholesale markets according to planning; Develop logistics centers, especially in Van Phong Economic Zone and Cam Ranh city to synchronously provide distribution logistics services at convenient traffic locations and important traffic areas, commercial centers, areas with large-scale goods processing facilities... In addition, the province will continue to implement the e-commerce development plan for Khanh Hoa province in the period 2021 - 2025 to support Khanh Hoa province to support and promote the widespread application of e-commerce among businesses and people; building a healthy, safe, competitive and sustainable e-commerce market; Support businesses, cooperatives, and business households to apply e-commerce to develop consumption markets for goods, especially typical products of Khanh Hoa province to domestic and foreign markets...